Saturday, April 9, 2011

6 Delicious Coffee Recipes

6 Delicious Coffee Recipes

By Merrie Schonbach

Do you love coffee? Most of us do. In this article we will provide you with 6 recipes to enjoy your coffee a different way. We hope you enjoy it.

Irish Coffee

  • 1 teapsoon of suger

  • 1 jigger of Bushmills Irish Whiskey

  • 2/3 cup of coffee or flavored Irish Creme coffee

  • 1/4 cup of heavy cream, lightly whipped

Prehead the glass with hot water. Dump the water out and add the hot coffee with the teaspoon of suger and stir. Add the jigger of whiskey, and top with the whipping cream. Dark coffee's are best for this recipe.

Spiced Orange Coffee

  • 1 teaspoon fresh, grated orange peel

  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

  • 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg

  • 5 whole cloves

  • Regular amount of your usual coffee or try Swiss Chocolate Orange flavored coffee

Add the above ingredients together and brew as normal. Place a slice of orange at the bottom or your cup. Pour in coffee and add suger and cream to taste. Top with whipping cream and sprinkle with a dash of nutmeg and cinnamon if so desired.

Mint Cocoa Coffee

  • 1 ounce of chocolate mint liquear

  • Dash of shaved chocolate

  • Whipping cream (optional)

  • Regular coffee or try Dutch Chocolate Decaf flavored coffee

Brew your regular coffee, add the 1 ounce of liquear into your cup. Add some whipping cream if desired and sprinkle with shaved chocolate.

Coffee Milkshakes

  • 1 pint of coffee ice cream

  • 2 teaspoons finely ground coffee

  • 1/2 cup light rum (optional)

  • 4 to 6 scoops vanilla ice cream

  • Instant coffee powder

Spoon coffee ice cream into blender. Add rum and finely ground coffee. Blend on high until creamy smooth. Pour into tall glasses, adding a scoop of the vanilla ice cream to each glass. Sprinkle lightly with instant coffee powder.

Frosty Mochas

  • 1 cup of freshly brewed coffee

  • 1 pint of vanilla ice cream, softenend

  • 6 tablespoons of chocolate syrup

  • 1 cup prepared cold coffee

Blend hot coffee and chocolate syrup in blender. Blend until smooth. Cool the mixture to room temperature. Pour the mixture into a medium bowl. Add the softened ice cream and cold coffee. With a rotary beater, beat until smooth. Spoon into tall glasses and serve immediately.

Nogged Coffee

  • 1 cup of coffee or try Pumpkin Spice flavored coffee

  • 1 egg yoke

  • 1/2 cup of cream

  • Dash of nutmeg

Beat the suger and egg yoke together. Place cream in a saucepan and heat over low setting, do not burn. Wisk the egg mixture into the warmed cream, heat until hot. Add coffee to mugs and top with the cream mixture. Garnish the coffee with nutmeg.

About The Author

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This article was created for Beans and Bears offering some of the finest coffee available.

Visit the website today at

Writer: Merrie Schonbach [] 7/03

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Hold the Cream - Forever

I grew up drinking lots and lots of cream in my coffee. I started drinking coffee on a regular basis when I was 5 years old. My mother was having a huge struggle getting me to drink milk. Knowing how much I utterly loved coffee even then she decided to let me have a cup a day. Those first early cups were a little bit of coffee and a lot of milk. As I grew older the coffee increased and the milk changed to liquid coffee creamer. Liquid coffee creamer is very delicious, and well admit it, some of the flavored ones are so good you could simply turn the box up and drink it straight out of the carton. However, low calorie they are not, and even the ones that are lower in calorie and fat add up if you drink a lot of cups during a day like I do. After I got married let's just say my waistline....ummmm...started an expansion project. I had to take a serious look at some ways to cut calories out of my diet. I drink a lot of coffee in a day...sometimes 4 to 8 cups a day. I used to add cream to every cup and not just a tiny teaspoonful either. It finally hit me how many calories I was consuming from sheer creamer alone. I finally decided to cut cream out of my coffee completely and to start drinking it straight black. I did not particularly love black coffee at that time. I thought it tasted way too bitter. However I knew coffee was not something I was going to give up and so I was determined to learn to drink it black and enjoy it. Those first few cups I have to admit were not enjoyable, but then the more I drank the more I started appreciating coffee in a whole new light. I began to learn to distinguish and appreciate the subtle differences of texture and smoothness in each cup. There is a world of difference in a light roast and a bold roast or between Colombian and Kona. All of those amazing taste differences were hidden to me before because I was dumping so much cream in that I was masking the true and beautiful taste of the coffee itself. Now, drinking coffee black is my absolute preferred method. I still will occasionally drink a cup of coffee with flavored creamer in it. I still think the flavors are wonderful, but I think that the pure taste of coffee is even better and most of the time that is the only taste that I want.

Easy Coffee Recipes

Easy Coffee Recipes

By Barbara Owen

People prepare coffee beverages in a wide variety of ways. If you intend to prepare your cup of coffee at home, you may want to do it the simple way. Here are 2 easy coffee recipes for you: The cappuccino and granita recipes.

Cappuccino Recipe

Cappuccino was first prepared in Viennese cafes in the 19th century. It got its name from the words "capuchin friars", which is the color of the robes of the local monks.

Serves 2


2 servings espresso, short

1 cup whole milk


  • Pour the milk into a pitcher

  • To make the milk foamy, put the steam nozzle of an espresso maker a third of the way into the pitcher and open the steam valve all the way.

  • Do not allow the milk to boil or become too hot. Put the candy thermometer in the pitcher. Heat the milk until it reaches 175 degree F. Avoid the milk to be heated too hot. Close the steam valve.

  • Prepare the espresso. Pour into serving cups until the coffee fills about a quarter of the cup.

  • Stir the milk before pouring into the serving cups. After you have poured most of the milk into the coffee, place a spoon under the milk you are pouring to form a layer of foamy milk on top of the coffee.

  • Ready to serve.

Granita Recipe

Granita is a type of semi-frozen coffee. Its usual contents are sugar, coffee and water.

Serves 4


6 servings espresso at room temperature, short

3 tablespoons sugar

16 ice cubes

2 cups cold water


  • Pour the espresso in a blender. Add in the sugar.

  • Blend the sugar and espresso for 90 seconds. Stop the blender.

  • Add in the ice and water. Blend further until smooth.

  • Pour into serving cups.

  • Ready to serve.

Look for more free coffee recipes? Visit us for all great coffee recipes. If you like your coffee hot, you may go direct to the hot coffee recipes section.

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My Dear Friend Mr. Coffee

One cannot have a love affair with coffee without a coffee maker. When I was 22 I decided that it was time for me to move out of my parents house and experience living on my own. My salary however was telling me that it wouldn't be quite practical to do that. Thankfully, a friend of mine had decided that she also wanted to experience her own sense of freedom and so together we decided to rent our own place. The very first small appliance that I made sure my new place had was a coffee maker. Leaving home and moving out on your own is a huge step and even kind of scary. Seeing dear old, familiar, Mr. Coffee sitting on the counter of my kitchen was somehow very reassuring and comforting. That pot of coffee I made in my very own place that very first night was special and at that moment I felt like I could conquer the world. Reality and bills set in pretty quickly, but dear old Mr. Coffee was with me through it all. When I got married Mr. Coffee followed me to my new home. He sat right down on his new counter and my old friend was right there when my husband and I shared our very first cups together as husband and wife. Years passed, and sadly Mr. Coffee grew old and tired and one day stopped working forever. I sighed, I was sad, and at that moment.....I got in my car and went and got a replacement as quickly as possible! Yes, I loved Mr. Coffee, but guess what? He's got lots and lots of family! Ah Mr. Coffee there will never be another quite like you though, never, never...."What? Excuse me what did you say your name was?" "Mr. Bunn was it?"

Sunday, April 3, 2011

My Great Love of Coffee

My great love for coffee began at a very early age.  According to my family my great-grandfather gave me my very first sip of coffee when I was 2 weeks old.  I sadly don't remember this defining moment in my life, but my family states that when the teaspoon full of coffee touched my tongue, I lapped it as eagerly as a kitten drinking cream.  A love affair was born.  Even at a very young age I would reach for any cup of coffee that was in my reach.  Alas my family felt that other drink, such as milk, was better for me have, but I knew what I wanted and I would not be denied.

Milk remained my enemy.  I couldn't stand the stuff, and even as an adult now I don't particularly love it.  My mother tried every way under the sun to get me drink milk and I tried every way to avoid it.  Finally, my mother came up with a brilliant plan.  Every morning she started letting me have a cup of coffee and she would put my milk in the coffee.  I'm sure those early cups were probably a lot more milk than they actually were coffee, but I was so thrilled to be drinking the drink I loved so much that I eagerly drank it down every morning.  As I got older, the milk decreased and the coffee increased.  My mother held firm on only one cup a day until I became a teenager and then finally when I was 16 I was allowed to have 2 cups a day.   When 18 came around, all bets were off, and I had the utter freedom to drink as much of my beloved drink as I wanted.

I have not yet met a coffee that I don't like.  I love regular coffee, flavored coffee, sweetened coffee, black coffee, iced coffee, coffee candy, coffee ice cream and pretty much any other thing on the planet that involves coffee.  My most common way of drinking coffee is just straight black.  I like coffee strong.  When you can look down into a cup of coffee and see the bottom of the cup that is too weak for me.

Coffee was a huge part of my dating relationship with my husband Doug.  We dated for almost 3 years before we got married and every Saturday night we would go to a local coffee shop located in our hometown of Knoxville, TN.  We could get a cup of coffee for $1.25 and the best part of all was we could get unlimited refills.  We would sit and drink coffee and talk for hours.  We were so well known that we were on a first name basis with some of the serving staff.  One of the funniest moments that ever happened was the night that a new staff member started.  After filling our coffee cups for about the 6th or 7th time the staff member looked at both of us very seriously and asked "Do you two ever sleep?"  That coffee house is sadly closed now, but it will forever hold a special place in my heart as the place where I fell in love with my husband.  How utterly appropriate that one great love brought me to another.